Mark Lynas is the author of numerous books on the environment. His latest is Our Final Warning: Six Degrees of Climate Emergency. He also advises former Maldives president Mohamed Nasheed on climate, works with the 64-member Climate Vulnerable Forum, and is senior strategic advisor to the pro-science environmental campaign network WePlanet.
A veritable whos-who of the scientists behind our physical climate understanding of net-zero have a new paper in Nature, making the case for "Geological Net Zero" where fossil CO2 can only credibly counterbalanced by permanent removal:
"Taken together, Trump’s candidates constitute an attempt to wreck the American government." Devastating analysis by @TimothyDSnyder No wonder this has gone viral.
Timothy Snyder "Imagine that you are a foreign leader who wishes to destroy the United States. How could you do so? The easiest way would be to get Americans to do the work themselves, to somehow induce Americans to undo their own health, law, administration, defense, and…
As with Musk doing foreign policy and everything else, this is the privatization of public power, which is always followed by the privatization of public money into the same hands. We saw this in Russia and it's how to replace a democracy with oligarchy.